Viewpoints: Why California’s recall election mattered

Huffington Post: Senior Fellow Dan Schnur focuses on Schwarzenegger's government reforms that provided more bi-partisan efforts through new primary rules, new redistricting, and broader disclosure of campaign contributions…….

The Post-Gridlock Republicans

Truthdig: Senior Fellow Richard Reeves reports on the democratic government's current post-gridlock and how it may not change until the 2016 election…….

Here We Go Again: Reform in California

Forget the midnight ride of Paul Revere, Callista Gingrich's jewelry collection and Anthony Weiner's … well, you know. The most important political people right now are 14 Californians you don't know. They are the members of the Citizens Redistricting Commission of this great state. American elections are rarely decided by debates in New Hampshire or even hundreds of millions of dollars in television advertising. By and large, American elections are determined by who comes out to vote, the fine print of election laws and squiggly lines on state maps. Except for presidential elections, which can surprise you, more than 90……