CCLP co-sponsors first national summit on arts journalism

"If a concert happens and no one writes about it, did it really happen?" asked Doug McLennan, co-director of the National Summit on Arts Journalism (NSAJ), a gathering co-sponsored by the Center on Communication Leadership & Policy (CCLP) at the USC Annenberg School for Communication. With over half of the nation's arts journalists unemployed, the summit explored the future of arts journalism by presenting ten innovative projects and two conversations about the evolving art and reinventing business of arts journalism. "Our aim here is not to tell you what's next for arts journalism, but to raise questions, highlight issues and……

‘A National Summit on Arts Journalism’ convenes

The Los Angeles Times highlighted a conference at the USC Annenberg School, "A National Summit on Arts Journalism," which was held for an invited audience of roughly 200 people and streamed live on the Internet. The event was co-organized by Faculty Fellow Sasha Anawalt, the story noted…….