Pakistan and America: The Bad Marriage

The last time I saw Abbottabad, I was in a crowd of a couple of hundred men watching a dancing bear hopping up and down and then wrestling in the dust with the owner's son. The crowd enjoyed it and stayed for the end, the collecting of coins. There was not a lot of entertainment around there; people looked and stopped at anything out of the ordinary. So, like all people, the folks there gossiped about most anything they noticed–say, a million-dollar compound with 18-foot walls and opaque windows three times the size of anything else in what we would……

Glickman in Economist – AGree

Senior Fellow Dan Glickman is featured in an article in The Atlantic. The article focuses on the new agricultural initiative, AGree, which is headed by Glickman, who is the former US Secratary of Agriculture…….

Alba in SYSCON – SI DocFest

SYS-CON Media profiled the SI DocFest, founded by Research Associate Monica Alba. The event features the best documentary films made by high school students in the Bay Area and awards over $30,000 to the winning, young filmmakers…….

Winograd in HuffPo – Beltway

Senior Fellow Morley Winograd co-authored an article on The Huffington Post on the reorganization of the Beltway and how to stimulate job creation for the US Economy, entitled "Reorganizing Beyond the Beltway."……

Bennis in Globe and Mail – Beatles

Distinguished Fellow Warren Bennis was cited in an article on The Globe and Mail on the business practices of rock group, The Beatles, and how their leadership changed the music industry…….

Hollihan in Whittier Daily – Social Media & Osama

"It is a very different news environment, which makes it much more difficult to control the flow of news," said Faculty Fellow Tom Hollihan to the Whittier Daily News. "It creates opportunity to empower local citizens in ways they haven't previously been empowered. No place is completely off the information grid." Hollihan's comments came in response to the death of Osama Bin Laden, and how social media played a role in informing the public…….

Powell in WaPo – WH Chronicles

The Washington Post noted that Senior Fellow Adam Clayton Powell III was a guest on PBS News' "White House Chronicle." Click here to view the video of Powell's appearance…….