Reeves in Redding Record – Reagan Centennial

The Redding Record wrote an article on the Ronald Reagan Centennial event held at the Reagan Library on February 2. Senior Fellow Richard Reeves was heavily quoted in the article stating that Reagan "changed American politics by reversing the populist political attitude of one that believed business was the villain to making government the adversary. Reeves called this an 'incredible political achievement.'"……

The Last Reagan Campaign: Legacy

SIMI VALLEY, Calif.–When President Reagan left office in 1981, his legacy did not seem Mount Rushmore quality. He left office with a good approval rating, more than 50 percent. People always liked him. But there was limited enthusiasm for his record in office. Many of his own ideological soul mates were disappointed with the Gipper, thinking he was a tired old man. They thought he was being manipulated by younger aides in such capers as the Iran-Contra scandal and losing the Cold War to a new, younger Soviet leader, Mikhail Gorbachev. Howard Phillips, the founder and chairman of Conservative Caucus,……

Reagan's presidential legacy examined by Tom Brokaw, panel at Centennial Symposium

More than two decades after he exited the political stage and rode off into the California sunset, President Ronald Reagan continues to spark passionate debate about his policy achievements, foreign policy, and political legacy. "Ronald Reagan was a great president, and he will be remembered in history for one thing, winning the Cold War," exclaimed Reagan biographer Lou Cannon to a standing room only crowd of more than 500 students, scholars and Reagan admirers, who came to the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California on February 2 for a discussion led by legendary journalist and author Tom Brokaw…….