Top sports journalists share career insights at CCLP forum on Women & Communication Leadership

This article was written by CCLP intern Faith Jessie, a USC Annenberg senior majoring in Public Relations, and CCLP web editor Elizabeth Krane. Women are still fighting to break into sports journalism, an industry that has historically been dominated by men. According to a study done by the Women's Media Center, 90% of sports editors are male. The 2012 Associated Press Sports Editors Racial and Gender Report Card gave an F grade for gender representation in sports columnists and editors. But as NFL Network host Lindsay Rhodes pointed out, "We're all proof that if you work hard and you're persistent,……

Two Newspaper Models: Microlocal success, large market challenges

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The latest evidence of financial viability of microlocal news comes from an article in the Wall Street Journal describing the Register-Star, a successful newspaper in Hudson, a town in Columbia County, New York. The formula is a familiar one: "a rich diet of local politics, education news, crime, school sports and people stories." And according to the Journal article, the Register-Star never relied on classified advertising as heavily as the major metro dailies, all of which have seen their classified ad revenue eviscerated by But that's another blog; let's go back to the editorial side, to……