An attempt to get aggregators to pay

The Attributor Corp has joined with a group of online publishers to form the Fair Syndication Consortium (FSC), a venture that hopes to gain advertising revenue from sites that reproduce their content. Attributor already works with the AP and the Financial Times to track their content, so that those organizations can request that their work be taken down if used inappropriately. Now, however, the FSC hopes to use that same technology to track the use of their content and persuade the reproducers to share in the advertising revenue. You can read the announcement on the Editors' Weblog here. UPDATE: The……

Local news adds to its newscast

Even as their newsrooms contract, local TV news stations are adding time to their broadcasts, totaling on average half an hour per day. In these tough economic times, the local news stations hope that by increasing their news hours, they will remain competitive and vibrant operations. Yet local news remains less profitable than in the past, and the vast majority of stations have had to consolidate and lay off workers. Read the Huffington Post story — April 27, 2009…….

Google to offer more targeted news

Google CEO Eric Schmidt has a plan that he believes may help newspapers generate more revenue for their content. Google's algorthims will start bringing users the news, adapted to their preferences, without the users even looking for it. Because the news will be personalized and highly targeted, the site can charge for premium ads alongside the stories. Problematically, the content producers will not receive a cut from this additional revenue, but Google says that this will still help the newspapers as they will receive more hits on their sites. You can read the Editors' Weblog Post here…….

New York Times turns to crowdsourcing

In an experiment aimed at increasing reader interaction, the New York Times has turned to crowdsourcing — using its readers as the sources for news. The paper has published over 650 pages of Timothy Geithner's schedule as president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and asked that its readers supply their thoughts on what is worth noting in the document. The NYT has already published some of its own insights and perspective, but is offering the masses a greater chance to weigh in. You can read the blog post in The Independent here…….

Fellows Selected for Inaugural News Entrepreneur Boot Camp

Fifteen digital journalists from 10 states have been selected for the inaugural class of the Knight Digital Media Center's News Entrepreneur Boot Camp. Through an intense week of training in audience development, market research, business practices and management, legal issues, and entrepreneurial decision-making, the program will prepare journalists to develop and launch new and sustainable news and information services in the public's interest. The News Entrepreneur Boot Camp will be in Los Angeles in May 2009 and is presented in partnership with the Lloyd Greif Center for Entrepreneurial Studies at USC's Marshall School of Business, the Center on Communication Leadership……