U.S. gov’t, foundation subsidies of news media attract criticism in Africa

GRAHAMSTOWN, South Africa — African Journalists were critical today of reports that U.S. journalists receive subsidies and payments from foundations and the U.S. government. Two recent Annenberg reports were discussed at an annual media forum here, at the Highway Africa Conference 2010: "Public Policy and Funding the News" focuses on historic and current federal subsidies for news media. And "Philanthropic Foundations: Growing Funders of the News" is an analysis of increasing foundation support for American journalism…….Continue Reading U.S. gov’t, foundation subsidies of news media attract criticism in Africa

Powell appointed USC’s director of Washington policy initiatives

Adam Clayton Powell III, CCLP Senior Fellow, has been named the University of Southern California's director of Washington policy initiatives. His new position was announced to the USC faculty and staff by the Acting Provost, Elizabeth Garrett on July 2, 2010. In his new position, Powell will work closely with the USC vice provost of global initiatives on a number of important projects, including the USC Africa Initiative and the university's continued efforts in India. He will also assist USC's Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism on strategic initiatives, including important projects focused on communication policy. In addition, Powell will……Continue Reading Powell appointed USC’s director of Washington policy initiatives

Cowan Top Secret Play to air on KPCC and NPR

Top Secret: The Battle for the Pentagon Papers written by CCLP Director Geoffrey Cowan aired air on Saturday, July 2 on 89.3 KPCC. Top Secret can also be heard on the LA Theatre Works wesbite, under the "Radio Theatre Series" page. It will also be airing nationally on the NPR stations listed on that page. The broadcast includes excerpts of the panel discussions following the shows in New York hosted by the CCLP, as well as some audio from the 2008 discussions with John Dean and Jane Harman…….Continue Reading Cowan Top Secret Play to air on KPCC and NPR

Naturalized On The Fourth Of July

LOS ANGELES — Among the charges leveled against King George III on July 4, 1776, in the Declaration of Independence was this one: "He has endeavoured to prevent the population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither, and raising the conditions of new Appropriations of Land." So it was ever thus here in the New World. The immigration debate goes on 234 years later. In 1776, there were a little over 2 million people in Great Britain's American colonies. More were needed to fill the……Continue Reading Naturalized On The Fourth Of July