Let Us Now Praise Famous Conspiracy Theories

WASHINGTON — Last Saturday morning, Mike Allen's Politico Playbook, the early-morning blog Washington whisperers wake up to, began this way: "IF YOU READ ONLY ONE STORY — N.Y. Times 2-col. lead, 'Karzai Is Said to Doubt West Can Defeat Taliban,' by Dexter Filkins, in Kabul: President Hamid Karzai 'has been pressing to strike his own deal with the Taliban and the country's archrival, Pakistan … Mr. Karzai's maneuverings involve secret negotiations with the Taliban outside the purview of American and NATO officials. … People close to the president say he began to lose confidence in the Americans last summer. …'"……Continue Reading Let Us Now Praise Famous Conspiracy Theories

Is the iPad the Savior of Publishing?

I bought my 3G iPad about two weeks ago and have been playing with it every day since. That's what you do with it. Play with it. It's a fun toy. But is it a revolutionary way for the publishing business to survive? Many pundits seem to think the answer to that question depends on how much and whether readers will pay for content on the device–but they are asking the wrong question. The right question is about advertising…….Continue Reading Is the iPad the Savior of Publishing?

CCLP & State Department launch exploration of ways to use Technology to combat Human Trafficking

State Department and Congressional policymakers, along with nongovernmental organization and technology industry leaders convened in Washington, D.C. Thursday, June 3, 2010 to explore new ways communication technology might be used in global efforts to combat human trafficking. The meeting held at the USC Washington, D.C. Center was organized by USC Annenberg's Center on Communication Leadership and Policy in partnership with assistance from the U.S. Department of State. Geoffrey Cowan, CCLP director and USC University Professor, co-chaired the gathering with Alec Ross, Secretary of State Clinton's senior adviser for innovation (pictured right). Ross opened the meeting with remarks about 21st Century……Continue Reading CCLP & State Department launch exploration of ways to use Technology to combat Human Trafficking

The California Winners: Corporate Power

LOS ANGELES — You can't fool all the people all the time, only about 48 percent. That, rather than the triumph of women billionaires, may be the abiding lesson of California's spring elections this year. Yes, Meg Whitman, formerly of eBay, showed that you can win a Republican primary for governor by spending about $80 a voter. And Carly Fiorina, formerly of Hewlett-Packard, showed that it could be done for only $20 a voter in the same party's Senate primary. Interesting, maybe a corporate takeover of government, but hardly new or surprising. More interesting this year was the defeat of……Continue Reading The California Winners: Corporate Power

Warren Bennis video from Imagining the Future of Leadership

CCLP Distinguished Fellow Warren Bennis was a guest of Harvard University and the John F. Kennedy School of Government. Bennis imparted his advice to an eager audience during the series Imagining the Future of Leadership hosted at The Charles Hotel in Cambridge, Massachusetts. To watch all the speakers from this series, visit Imagining the Future of Leadership at WorldNews…….Continue Reading Warren Bennis video from Imagining the Future of Leadership