Americans can now listen to FM radio on their cell phone – for free

WASHINGTON – New software now allows millions of Americans to unlock the free FM radio receivers built into almost every smartphone sold in the US. Called NextRadio, the free app unlocks the FM receiver, enabling the phone to receive all local FM radio stations for free without using the cell phone network, so there are no data charges or other costs. Just remember to recharge your battery. NextRadio only works on Android cell phones, and not yet on all Android phones. Originally developed with Sprint, NextRadio now runs on all major US cell phone networks. The new app does more……

Geoffrey Baum quoted on Vice President Biden's push for free community college

Managing director Geoffrey Baum was quoted in The Argonaut after meeting Vice President Joe Biden, who visited West Los Angeles College to discuss the Obama administration's plan to subsidize community college fees. The initiative would "free up resources to add classes, innovate new programs and develop other aspects of student support," said Baum…….