Bush campaign strategist named senior fellow

USC Annenberg Center on Communication Leadership & Policy is pleased to announce a new senior fellow, Matthew Dowd. Dowd, 53, served as the chief strategist for George W. Bush's 2004 presidential campaign and currently serves as a political analyst for ABC News. As a CCLP senior fellow, Dowd will focus on "examining what we can do to bridge the political divides today in America involving campaigns, communication, and governing." He will also focus on "creating momentum in the social impact entrepreneur space with emphasis on linking capitalism and social consciousness." During the past 30 years, Matthew Dowd has helped……

Kantor calls for end to ports showdown

Michael "Mickey" Kantor, co-chair of the USC Annenberg Center on Communication Leadership & Policy advisory board, penned an op-ed published in the Los Angeles Times, "End the storm at the Los Angeles and Long Beach ports." In his February 16 op-ed, Kantor described the "frustrating and costly slowdown of operations at West Coast port facilities," caused by a deterioration in contract negotiations between management and labor…….