Dutch online channel Nieuwwij interviewed CCLP senior fellow Irshad Manji.

Four years after the failed attempt of Sharia4Belgium to silence her during a debate in Amsterdam, author Irshad Manji returns to The Netherlands. In the first part of this exclusive interview she looks back on the experience while at the same time lecturing Geert Wilders on the true meaning of freedom. In addition, Manji discusses sharing the Lantos Human Rights Prize with Ayaan Hirsi Ali.

Irshad Manji was in the Netherlands to deliver the Tans Lecture at Maastricht University. Nieuwwij sat down with the controversial author for an exclusive interview. In the second part Manji discusses the importance of developing moral courage in the face of injustice, announces a new book and answers the question whether she is done reforming Islam.

Part 1 of the interview, “From Tribalism to Pluralism”: https://youtu.be/Vy6akx9RmGY

Part 2 of the interview, “Moral Courage”: https://youtu.be/WrsxLh2Az5I