The Renewing American Democracy project, in partnership with the USC Annenberg Center on Communication Leadership & Policy and Long Island University, is a nonpartisan, non-ideological initiative dedicated to engaging and elevating the voices of people often left out of the national conversation about one of the most pressing issues of our time. It aims to get beyond the grievance and gridlock that are rife, and to spur dialogue that could have a positive and demonstrable impact on all aspects of society today and for many years to come.

The project was born out of this fraught and unique moment in American history where people are routinely asking whether democracy itself is endangered. Led by the writer and author Ellis Cose, the Renewing American Democracy project is facilitating and promoting civic engagement through a variety of programs including listening events with and for young people, a national essay contest, polling, and a series of convenings to highlight the problems at hand and generate new thinking on solutions. Our goals: to engage a wide range of young people on these critical issues and to help shape the national discourse over where America is and should be headed as we confront some of the most daunting challenges a democracy can face.

For more information and to get involved, please visit: