Each year, our Center publishes a newsletter that informs supporters of CCLP about our most recent programming and research. The newsletters are the best source of up-to-date information on our various senior fellows, our partnerships, and our projects. We have included examples of our previous newsletters, dating back to 2011, in case you would like to learn more about our Center. If you would like to be added to our list of recipients for the newsletter, please email our Center at commlead@usc.edu.
October, 2022: A New Semester at CCLP
December, 2021: 2021 in Review from Geoffrey Cowan and CCLP
December, 2020: Season’s Greetings from Geoffrey Cowan and CCLP
May, 2019: An Update on the Center on Communication Leadership & Policy from Geoffrey Cowan
April, 2018: An Update on the Center on Communication Leadership & Policy from Geoffrey Cowan
April, 2017: Spring Greetings from Geoffrey Cowan and CCLP
December, 2016: CCLP Fall 2016 Newsletter – Updates from the USC Annenberg Center
July, 2015: Summer Greetings from Martha’s Vineyard: A note from Geoffrey Cowan and an update from CCLP
January, 2015: Happy New Year and Updates from Geoffrey Cowan and CCLP
November, 2012: An Important Update from my Center on Communication Leadership and Policy
July, 2011: Summer Update from Geoffrey Cowan: FCC Report, Bipartisanship & Public Broadcasting
April, 2011: News from Geoffrey Cowan and the Center on Communication Leadership and Policy
January, 2011: CCLP Updates from Geoffrey Cowan