Study: Millennials Poised to Shake Up Corporate America

The Wall Street Journal featured senior fellow Morley Winograd's new study on millenials. "As Millennials become an increasingly large share of the adult population and gather more and more wealth, the generation's size and unity of belief will cause seismic shifts in the nation's financial sector," writes Winograd and his colleague Michael Hais…….Continue Reading Study: Millennials Poised to Shake Up Corporate America

West Antarctic ice collapse ‘could drown Middle East and Asia crops’

The Guardian quotes senior fellow Dan Glickman in an article on climate change. ""Agriculture is a huge world-wide industry that requires stable weather, 'or else', and we might just be entering the 'or else' period," Dan Glickman, agriculture secretary under Bill Clinton and a co-chairman of the conference, told The Guardian."……Continue Reading West Antarctic ice collapse ‘could drown Middle East and Asia crops’