CCLP senior fellow Morley Winograd is scheduled to speak at Rutgers University about his new book Millennial Momentum: How a New Generation is Remaking America. A book signing will also take place with Mr. Winograd and his co-author Michal Hais. Read more here…….Continue Reading Senior Fellow Morley Winograd Speaks at Rutgers
Category: In the News
Senior fellow Dan Glickman to speak at Feeding Future Generations panel
CCLP senior fellow and former secretary of agriculture Dan Glickman will be presenting a keynote speech at the Newseum in Washington DC as part of what has been deemed an "open discussion about how to raise nutritious food for a growing population with limited resources." Read more here…….Continue Reading Senior fellow Dan Glickman to speak at Feeding Future Generations panel
Senior fellow Morley Winograd referenced in CNN Article on baby boomers and politics
CCLP senior fellow Morley Winograd has been referenced in an article about baby boomers and their impact as elected officials in the American political sphere. Winograd and Michael Hais' book Millennial Momentum is also mentioned in the article. You can read it online here…….Continue Reading Senior fellow Morley Winograd referenced in CNN Article on baby boomers and politics
Senior fellow Orville Schell quoted in New York Times
CCLP senior fellow Orville Schell has been quoted in the New York Times about his role in overseeing a multimedia exhibit at Beijing's prestigious Three Shadows gallery. The exhibit, entitled "Coal + Ice", is focused on climate change. You can read the article here…….Continue Reading Senior fellow Orville Schell quoted in New York Times
Senior Fellow Richard Reeves Writes About The Millenial Generation
Senior fellow Richard Reeves has published an article on TruthDig about the Millennial Generation and the effects that the economic environment has had upon them. He also references CCLP senior fellow Morley Winograd's book Millennial Momentum. You can read the post here. You can watch a recent conversation with Winograd, co-author Michael Hais, and CCLP director Geoffrey Cowan here…….Continue Reading Senior Fellow Richard Reeves Writes About The Millenial Generation
Senior fellow Dan Glickman panel appearance writeup
CCLP senior fellow Dan Glickman's appearance as a panel member at the National Archives showing of the film Lunch Line has been written up on the Culture Mob website. Read about it here…….Continue Reading Senior fellow Dan Glickman panel appearance writeup
Excerpt From Book by Distinguished Fellow Warren Bennis Featured
An excerpt from distinguished fellow Warren Bennis' book On Becoming a Leader has been featured online at the Fast Company website. Read the excerpt here…….Continue Reading Excerpt From Book by Distinguished Fellow Warren Bennis Featured
Senior fellow Dan Glickman to speak at the National Archives following film screening
Senior fellow Dan Glickman will be speaking on a panel at the National Archives after a screening of the film Lunch Line, which examines issues surrounding the school lunch program. The screening will take place at the William G. McGowan Theater in Washington DC. Read more here…….Continue Reading Senior fellow Dan Glickman to speak at the National Archives following film screening
Senior fellow Orville Schell moderates dinner with Tom Brokaw
Senior fellow Orville Schell moderated a dinner event in New York City where journalist Tom Brokaw discussed his work in China. Video footage of the event has been posted on youtube, and can be viewed here…….Continue Reading Senior fellow Orville Schell moderates dinner with Tom Brokaw
Senior fellow Morley Winograd referenced in article about millenials
Annenberg senior fellow Morley Winograd was referenced in an article entitled Have Faith In The Kids You're Sending Off to College, published at Winograd's research about the Millennial generation's similarities to students of the 1930s helps shape the tone of the article. You can read the story here…….Continue Reading Senior fellow Morley Winograd referenced in article about millenials