Newspapers search for business model

American Public Media's "Marketplace" interviewed Senior Fellow David Westphal about the problems facing the newspaper industry. The business is in limbo, with no clear version of what the next phase will be, Westphal said. "A lot of people make the good point that the public's demand for news and information has really gone up – not down or stayed the same; it's gone up," he said. "The problem is that there is not … a business model around the next bend that we can look at and say with confidence, 'Oh, I can see where the money's going to come……Continue Reading Newspapers search for business model

Watchdog journalism: Hardly a newspaper afterthought

I've just helped judge a journalism contest for my alma mater, McClatchy, and have a couple of observations to report: First, don't believe those who argue that newspapers' investigative reporting is so minimal that it's easily replaced. It isn't small, and if newspapers couldn't do it anymore, the void would be very deep. Second, high-quality watchdog reporting isn't simply the province of big national players doing "secret prisons" or "secret eavesdropping" stories. It's also the heart and soul of newsrooms across the country that keep watch over their communities and regions. I say these things not primarily to brag about……Continue Reading Watchdog journalism: Hardly a newspaper afterthought

State of the Black Union: Young Scholars Forum

In association with USC Annenberg’s Johnson Communication Leadership Center and the Center on Communication Leadership & Policy, the Tavis Smiley Foundation presents the Young Scholars Forum as part of the foundation’s 10th annual State of the Black Union symposium. The program, hosted by Tavis Smiley, features remarks by Dean Ernest J. Wilson III and a panel of distinguished contemporary young adult leaders before an audience of outstanding student leaders from high schools and colleges in Southern California. Lunch follows discussion. This event is free, but registration is required. For more information, click here. 8:30 a.m.  – 12 noon. USC Bovard……Continue Reading State of the Black Union: Young Scholars Forum