US initiative for 50,000 African leaders detailed at CCLP forum

WASHINGTON – 50,000 young African leaders have responded to a new Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI). The YALI program was the focus of Monday's CCLP lunch forum here, featuring the people who will be managing the program. Left: Britta Bjornlund, Branch Chief, Study of the U.S. Branch Bureau of Educational and Cultural Program U.S. Department of State. Right: Joyce Warner, Senior Vice President and Chief of Staff, IREX. 500 of the leaders will be told next week that have been selected to come to Washington this summer, according to Joyce Warner, Senior Vice President and Chief of Staff of IREX,……Continue Reading US initiative for 50,000 African leaders detailed at CCLP forum

CCLP and The California Endowment Host Conference on Mobile Technology for Community Engagement

In partnership with The California Endowment, the USC Annenberg Center on Communication Leadership & Policy hosted the Get Mobile Forum on April 2nd, a conference that brought together local community organizations to explore how mobile technology can empower communities and increase civic engagement. Watch videos of each presentation and see more event photos at the Get Mobile Forum website. Jerlene Tatum from EYCEJ shakes hands with Mari Lopez from Vision y Compromiso, Inc. Over thirty invitees attended the forum on Wednesday, April 2 at The California Endowment for a day packed with presentations, Q&A sessions, mobile app demos and networking……Continue Reading CCLP and The California Endowment Host Conference on Mobile Technology for Community Engagement

Advisory Board Member Gary Pruitt to be Honored with Constitutional Champion Award

CCLP Advisory Board Member and Associated Press CEO Gary Pruitt will be honored by The Constitution Project at their 7th Annual Constitutional Gala on April 24th in Washington, D.C. The bipartisan legal watchdog group will celebrate Pruitt's leadership in standing up against government intimidation of the media. Tickets to the Gala are available for purchase at The Constitution Project's website. The Constitutional Champion Award honors Pruitt's commitment to fighting for the constitutional principles of the First Amendment. When the Department of Justice secretly collected phone records for editors at The Associated Press in May 2013, Pruitt called it a "massive……Continue Reading Advisory Board Member Gary Pruitt to be Honored with Constitutional Champion Award

Latonero explains role of big data in fight against trafficking at NYU summit co-sponsored by White House

Research director Mark Latonero gave a presentation today at The Social, Cultural, & Ethical Dimensions of "Big Data", speaking about his research at CCLP on technology and human trafficking. Hosted by The Data & Society Research Institute in partnership with the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) and New York University's Information Law Institute, the event brought together leaders from government, academia, and industry as part of the Obama Administration's efforts to better understand the implications of big data for privacy and public policy. Latonero discussed how networked technologies like chat rooms, online classified ads, and social……Continue Reading Latonero explains role of big data in fight against trafficking at NYU summit co-sponsored by White House

Top sports journalists share career insights at CCLP forum on Women & Communication Leadership

This article was written by CCLP intern Faith Jessie, a USC Annenberg senior majoring in Public Relations, and CCLP web editor Elizabeth Krane. Women are still fighting to break into sports journalism, an industry that has historically been dominated by men. According to a study done by the Women's Media Center, 90% of sports editors are male. The 2012 Associated Press Sports Editors Racial and Gender Report Card gave an F grade for gender representation in sports columnists and editors. But as NFL Network host Lindsay Rhodes pointed out, "We're all proof that if you work hard and you're persistent,……Continue Reading Top sports journalists share career insights at CCLP forum on Women & Communication Leadership

Technologies under development by USC computer scientists could help in the fight against underage sex trafficking in the United States.

USC Viterbi features Mark Latonero in its article, "Technologies under development by USC computer scientists could help in the fight against underage sex trafficking in the United States"…….Continue Reading Technologies under development by USC computer scientists could help in the fight against underage sex trafficking in the United States.

Cell phones combat agricultural pests in Asia

SINGAPORE – Ordinary cell phones have emerged as a tool to combat agricultural pests. Using the mPest Insect Sound Android mobile application, farmers take their cell phones into the field to pick up sounds of insects on their land. The sounds are analyzed to detect which insects are present; if any pests are there, farmers can use highly targeted methods to combat insects that are reducing crop yields. Because the technology is entirely based on audio, farmers can use it at night, when visual detection of insect pests is difficult. Use of mPest by individual farmers is just one feature……Continue Reading Cell phones combat agricultural pests in Asia