Cowan Discusses Free Speech and National Security in FY Chang Lecture

On December 4, 2011, Geoffrey Cowan, director of the CCLP, delivered the prestigious F.Y. Chang Lecture at the US-China Education Trust at Peking University in Bejing, China. The event came at the end of the China tour of Cowan's play Top Secret: The Battle for the Pentagon Papers, which played in theaters in Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Beijing. Cowan lectured on the themes of his play Top Secret in the speech, which was called "National Security vs. Free Speech: An American Case Study." A copy of the speech can be downloaded below. Cowan is the latest in a line of distinguished……

Senior fellow Orville Schell quoted in New York Times

CCLP senior fellow Orville Schell has been quoted in the New York Times about his role in overseeing a multimedia exhibit at Beijing's prestigious Three Shadows gallery. The exhibit, entitled "Coal + Ice", is focused on climate change. You can read the article here…….