Bush campaign strategist named senior fellow

USC Annenberg Center on Communication Leadership & Policy is pleased to announce a new senior fellow, Matthew Dowd. Dowd, 53, served as the chief strategist for George W. Bush's 2004 presidential campaign and currently serves as a political analyst for ABC News. As a CCLP senior fellow, Dowd will focus on "examining what we can do to bridge the political divides today in America involving campaigns, communication, and governing." He will also focus on "creating momentum in the social impact entrepreneur space with emphasis on linking capitalism and social consciousness." During the past 30 years, Matthew Dowd has helped……

Kantor calls for end to ports showdown

Michael "Mickey" Kantor, co-chair of the USC Annenberg Center on Communication Leadership & Policy advisory board, penned an op-ed published in the Los Angeles Times, "End the storm at the Los Angeles and Long Beach ports." In his February 16 op-ed, Kantor described the "frustrating and costly slowdown of operations at West Coast port facilities," caused by a deterioration in contract negotiations between management and labor…….

Americans can now listen to FM radio on their cell phone – for free

WASHINGTON – New software now allows millions of Americans to unlock the free FM radio receivers built into almost every smartphone sold in the US. Called NextRadio, the free app unlocks the FM receiver, enabling the phone to receive all local FM radio stations for free without using the cell phone network, so there are no data charges or other costs. Just remember to recharge your battery. NextRadio only works on Android cell phones, and not yet on all Android phones. Originally developed with Sprint, NextRadio now runs on all major US cell phone networks. The new app does more……

Policymakers and industry leaders take steps to improve cell phone capabilities during emergencies

Mobile phones today offer enormous potential in regards to public safety and emergency preparedness, but current infrastructure and systems present substantial challenges as well. The Annenberg Foundation Trust at Sunnylands and the USC Annenberg Center on Communication Leadership & Policy have launched an initiative to research these issues, explore solutions and define minimum capabilities of cell phones for health care, public safety and other public services. On Sunday and Monday, 20 high-level government officials, top mobile technology industry professionals, public advocates and entrepreneurs attended an event hosted by CCLP in Washington, DC. The event, entitled "Mobile Phones for Public……

Senior fellow publishing new book on California as she wraps up CIR project on armed security guards

As project editor on a two-month long assignment with the Center for Investigative Reporting, CCLP senior fellow Narda Zacchino oversaw reporter Shoshana Walter's and others' six part series "Hired Guns." The team reported on armed security guards across the country who endanger public safety through a haphazard system of lax laws, minimal oversight and almost no accountability. The project includes a graphic novel and an interactive map. Zacchino and Walter are hoping that the series will raise awareness about this issue and change policies across the country. CNN teamed up with CIR and featured two segments on the story,……

Hundreds gather in Annenberg Hall to watch President Obama’s penultimate State of the Union address

On Tuesday night about 250 people packed the new Wallis Annenberg Hall to watch President Obama's sixth State of the Union address, the Republican response by Sen. Joni Ernst and a panel discussion that included two CCLP senior fellows. The event, which according to CCLP senior fellow Dan Schnur had the largest on-campus turnout for a political event since the 2012 election night viewing, was co-sponsored by USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, the Center on Communication Leadership & Policy and the Unruh Institute of Politics. See more event photos in our Flickr album……

GenX: Misunderstood and Underestimated – Guest Post by Mike Brooks

The 2008 financial crisis had–and continues to have–varying impacts on the generations. Baby Boomers, many approaching or reaching retirement age, simply have their eye on getting over the finish line. Millennials, just starting off financially and with little to no assets or liabilities, have seen their financial lives stall before even getting started. GenX however has the most difficult road of all…….

Baum Moderates PRSA’s State of the State of PR

This article was written by CCLP intern Faith Jessie, a USC Annenberg senior majoring in Public Relations. The Los Angeles Chapter of the PRSA kicked off 2014 with their annual "State of the State of PR" event last week. CCLP managing director Geoffrey Baum (pictured left) was selected to moderate the panel, which aimed to explore the new challenges and opportunities facing PR pros in 2014. The event, hosted at the Luxe City Center Hotel in Downtown Los Angeles, attracted PR professionals from all over Los Angeles as well as PRSSA student members. Guests were treated to an evening of……

CCLP Researchers in Jakarta Launch Major Study on Media & the Fight Against Trafficking

The Technology & Trafficking research team spent a week in Jakarta, Indonesia, to launch a major study that assesses the potential success and effectiveness of media campaigns to raise awareness and ultimately change behavior towards human trafficking. The project is being conducted with support from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), Institute of International Education (IIE), and MTV EXIT Foundation. The research team is co-led by CCLP research director Mark Latonero, Ph.D. and USC Annenberg Communication professor, CCLP faculty fellow Patricia Riley and Annenberg associate professor Sheila Murphy. Research associates include Communication doctoral student Prawit Thainiyom and Masters of……

Geneva Overholser Named CCLP Senior Fellow

Geneva Overholser, former professor and director of USC Annenberg's School of Journalism, has been appointed a Senior Fellow of the Center on Communication Leadership & Policy (CCLP). Overholser joins a distinguished group of CCLP senior fellows that include journalists and media executives such as Cinny Kennard, Adam Clayton Powell III and Narda Zacchino, authors and policymakers such as Dan Glickman, Richard Reeves and Morley Winograd and pioneering leadership scholar Warren Bennis, among others…….