Senior Fellow Morley Winograd Speaks at Rutgers

CCLP senior fellow Morley Winograd is scheduled to speak at Rutgers University about his new book Millennial Momentum: How a New Generation is Remaking America. A book signing will also take place with Mr. Winograd and his co-author Michal Hais. Read more here…….

Narda Zacchino and Robert Scheer explore tech, jobs, and money in California and Texas

In light of the possibility of Rick Perry nominated as the GOP candidate in the upcoming presidential election, the latest Road to the White House 2012: Politics, Media & Technology discussed the continual virtual battle between Texas and California. CCLP senior fellow Narda Zacchino and Annenberg professor Robert Scheer came to disassemble the myths surrounding Texas being the new California. Zacchino puts into context some of the claims that Perry has made about Texas. While it is true that Texas has been phenomenal at creating new jobs, they have the highest amount of minimum wage jobs in the country…….

Senior fellow Dan Glickman to speak at Feeding Future Generations panel

CCLP senior fellow and former secretary of agriculture Dan Glickman will be presenting a keynote speech at the Newseum in Washington DC as part of what has been deemed an "open discussion about how to raise nutritious food for a growing population with limited resources." Read more here…….

Senior fellow Orville Schell quoted in New York Times

CCLP senior fellow Orville Schell has been quoted in the New York Times about his role in overseeing a multimedia exhibit at Beijing's prestigious Three Shadows gallery. The exhibit, entitled "Coal + Ice", is focused on climate change. You can read the article here…….

CCLP Researchers Share Projects with Annenberg Students, Faculty

From technology's impact on public diplomacy to the role of biography in constructing presidential legacy, the USC Annenberg Center on Communication Leadership & Policy's (CCLP) diverse range of research projects and policy initiatives on display at the April 13th Policy Research Roundtable. Convened by CCLP Director Geoffrey Cowan and hosted by CCLP Research Director Mark Latonero (pictured left), the lunchtime event served as an opportunity for the Center to spotlight its key areas of engagement. "We believe that we have an obligation to produce research that makes a difference," Cowan explained to the standing-room only crowd, which included CCLP Fellows……

CCLP co-sponsors first national summit on arts journalism

"If a concert happens and no one writes about it, did it really happen?" asked Doug McLennan, co-director of the National Summit on Arts Journalism (NSAJ), a gathering co-sponsored by the Center on Communication Leadership & Policy (CCLP) at the USC Annenberg School for Communication. With over half of the nation's arts journalists unemployed, the summit explored the future of arts journalism by presenting ten innovative projects and two conversations about the evolving art and reinventing business of arts journalism. "Our aim here is not to tell you what's next for arts journalism, but to raise questions, highlight issues and……