Dr. Strangelove Redux

And now a quote that could come from Dr. Strangelove: "A lot of people fear artificial intelligence. I will stand my artificial intelligence against your human any day of the week and tell you that my A.I. will pay more attention to the rules of engagement and create fewer ethical lapses than a human force." That is from John Arquilla, executive director of the Information Operations Center at the Naval Postgraduate School. "Dr. Arquilla," reports The New York Times, "argues that weapons systems controlled by software will not act out of anger and malice and, in certain cases, can already……

The Cowardice of America at War

Photo credit storqmplusI had to pull over to the side of La Cienega Boulevard last Tuesday evening as I drove home from work. I was crying. It was nothing, or it was the same old thing. I was listening to the news on National Public Radio when there was another story about another death in Afghanistan. Pfc. Andrew Meari, age 21. A village called Senjaray. An Afghan on a moped pulled up next to an American truck and blew himself up, killing Meari and another guy. The Americans, my countrymen, were there, near Kandahar, working to win the trust and……

A Third Party

WASHINGTON — It may not get much done, but the first session of the 112th Congress, convening in January, will be fun to watch. The most interesting commentary on the 2010 midterm elections was from Republican partisans and their Tea Party cousins as they rhetorically, warily circled each other on the morning after. The man who managed Senator-elect Rand Paul's primary campaign in Kentucky, David Adams, had this to say: "I'm hoping for a lot of fireworks in Washington over who takes control of who. If Republican leaders think for a minute they're going to suck us in and continue……

Waiting for Another Watergate

What is the most powerful political operation in the country in this 21st century? It's the United States Supreme Court. The men and women in black are on their way to deciding their second national election in just the first decade of the century. In the year 2000, the justices stopped the counting of votes in the presidential election. This year they tilted (or mutilated) congressional elections by ruling – in the case called Citizens United – that corporations are people, only more so. What they ruled was that corporations (and unions) or groups they sponsor have the right to……

Reeves in Investors Business Daily

Richard Reeves, Senior Fellow, was cited in Investors Business Daily in reference to biography he wrote on President Ronald Reagan. The article is titled "Oct. 12, 1986, In Reykjavik, Iceland: The Day That The World Changed."……

Reeves on YahooNews with Patronage Op-ed

Richard Reeves, Senior Fellow, published an op-ed on Yahoo! News about financial patronage in Washington, D.C. and the damage that it cause the credibility of the candidates for office. "It is not really politicians running the country and it is not ideologues," says Reeves. "The new bosses are corporate and bipartisan." The full article can be read here…….

Laughing at Democracy at the Mall

Marty Kaplan is one smart guy. He is now the director of the Norman Lear Center for the study of entertainment and society at the Annenberg School of the University of Southern California. The rest of his resume is embarrassing to the rest of us: He graduated summa cum laude in molecular biology from Harvard, received a first in English at Cambridge, earned a Ph.D. in modern thought from Stanford and, as a vice president of Disney, wrote a movie for Eddie Murphy. He has this theory about entertainment taking over the news, even the world. At the blackboard, he……

Reeves mentioned in HuffPo article on City Club of San Diego

The Huffington Post posted an article on their site about the history of The City Club of San Diego. Over the years, the organization has hosted many different politically-centered programs such as "Immigration: The National Question"; "The State of Our Language: The War over Grammar", and "The Press, Libel & American Freedom." The article also contains a total number that the most prominent speakers have attended the annual event. Topping the list is Senior Fellow Richard Reeves, who has spoken 24 times. The article can be read in full here…….

Reeves new article in Metro West Daily

Senior Fellow Richard Reeves published a new op-ed piece about the midterm election results entitled "President Mau Mau in the White House". In his article, Reeves discusses how the GOP dominated the House elections and what this could mean for the Democrats once the elections are over. The article can be read in full at MetroWest Daily…….

Businessman of the World Unite

LOS ANGELES — In the early 1980s, in a book called American Journey, I calculated that American corporate chief executive officers were making 30 to 40 times as much as they paid average production workers. Looking back at that, I see that I was surprised to learn that that ratio had increased from 25-to-1 in 1970 — and that in other developed countries the ratio was closer to 10-to-1. It seems now that I was easily shocked in the good old days. Today that compensation ratio goes from 300-to-1 to almost 1,000-to-1 in the United States, if you count various……