Chief of Hollywood Trade Group to Step Down

The New York Times ran a story on Senior Fellow Dan Glickman's announcement that he was stepping down from his post as chairman and chief executive of the Motion Picture Association of America effective April 1, 2010 to become president of Refugees International. In the article, Glickman notes that state-sponsored film incentives expanded rapidly during his tenure. "Four or five states had them when I came in, today there are over 40."……Continue Reading Chief of Hollywood Trade Group to Step Down

What is Government’s Role in Supporting the News Business?

A new report on the role of government in supporting newspapers and other news organizations will be released by the University of Southern California’s Center on Communication Leadership & Policy on Thursday, January 28, 2010. That same day, a press briefing will be held at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. at 9:30 a.m. The report, Public Policy and Funding the News, is co-authored by Geoffrey Cowan (pictured, left), USC Annenberg School dean emeritus and director of the Center on Communication Leadership & Policy (CCLP), and David Westphal, former Washington Editor for McClatchy Newspapers and current CCLP senior fellow……Continue Reading What is Government’s Role in Supporting the News Business?

CCLP Research Briefing: “Public Policy & Funding the News”

The Center on Communication Leadership and Policy (CCLP) presents findings from a new report by Geoffrey Cowan (pictured, left), USC University Professor and CCLP director, and David Westphal, CCLP senior fellow and USC Annenberg executive in residence. The report, Public Policy and Funding the News, is sponsored by Carnegie Corporation of New York. The report "analyzes some of the financial tools that government has used to support the commercial press throughout our nation's history — from postal rate discounts and tax breaks to public notices and government advertising. It documents cutbacks across a range of sectors and presents a framework……Continue Reading CCLP Research Briefing: “Public Policy & Funding the News”

Free press, with profits

The Los Angeles Times ran an op-ed by Geneva Overholser and CCLP Director Geoffrey Cowan about the important role government plays in sustaining serious journalism. "It's clear that journalism is in crisis, and in the current recession, things are likely to get much worse," they wrote. "With a new administration and a new Congress seeking fresh solutions to other crises, we need to consider new possibilities to help ensure that journalism remains able to provide the information needed by a great democracy."……Continue Reading Free press, with profits

Curtin, Glickman and Zacchino appointed CCLP senior fellows

A top news executive and two leading global policymakers have been appointed 2010-2011 senior fellows of Center on Communication Leadership & Policy (CCLP) at the USC Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism. As part of CCLP, senior fellows contribute to the Communication Leadership blog, participate in public programs and lead projects in specific areas of engagement for the Center…….Continue Reading Curtin, Glickman and Zacchino appointed CCLP senior fellows

U.S. Newspaper cutbacks erase 40 years of gains

TOKYO – Sometimes pictures really are worth a thousand words.  At year’s end, a dramatic chart published by Silicon Alley Insider was shared by email among journalists and former journalists showing just how much the newspaper industry has shrunk in the past decade. The graph measures newspaper employment, showing a steadily upward curve from 1947, when 230,000 people were employed at U.S. newspapers. The curve peaks in 1990 at almost double that number – just over 450,000 jobs at U.S. newspapers…….Continue Reading U.S. Newspaper cutbacks erase 40 years of gains

P&G’s Cultural Revolution

BNET cited Distinguished Fellow Warren Bennis in an article by Noel Tichy, who co-wrote "Judgment: How Winning Leaders Make Great Calls" with Bennis. "I've written 12 books on leadership and my co-author, Warren Bennis, has written 37. What we've learned after spending all this time with CEOs is that judgment is a process. Business leaders don't make decisions in a blink; that's for firefighters and ER nurses," Tichy wrote…….Continue Reading P&G’s Cultural Revolution

Frontline’s Fanning decries commercialism in public broadcasting

Public broadcasters face grave risks of losing credibility and trust through increasing commercialism of their work, says David Fanning, founding executive producer of the award-winning series Frontline. It is "shameful" he says about the ways some public stations use pledge drives to market products for local sponsors. "This is our deepest embarrassment as public broadcasters…we spend more of our energy and promotional time pushing programs that have nothing to do with our mission." Fanning delivered remarks at the annual James L. Loper Lecture in Public Service Broadcasting in November before an audience of public broadcasting leaders, community leaders, scholars and……Continue Reading Frontline’s Fanning decries commercialism in public broadcasting

Everything Old Is New Again – and Again and Again

For last year's elections, major newspaper web sites introduced such innovations as issues tracking and geotagged election watches, evidently unaware that these very tools had been introduced by Evans Witt and others back in 1996 on the first newspaper election web sites, when new media were really new. Some sites even had audio and video clips in 1996. OK, video over dialup was pretty jerky, but it was there, 13 years ago, the dog walking on its hind legs.Now we see print editors gearing up for tablet computers, as reported this week by the New York Times. The Times even……Continue Reading Everything Old Is New Again – and Again and Again