Journalism Online wants 20 percent of subscription revenue and will have news sites sign up roughly 10 percent of their monthly readers for a subscription plan. You can read the post by the Nieman Lab here…….Continue Reading Journalism Online’s pay-for-news model
Twitter tapped by online news service
A new company called TweetMixx combs through thousands of Twitter updates every hour to give readers the most "Tweeted-about" headlines and stories of the day. Previously called Mixx, the site will switch from mostly using for breaking news to the increasingly popular Twitter. You can read the article in the Washington Post here…….Continue Reading Twitter tapped by online news service
Google to provide micropayment platform
As news outlets grapple with how to charge for content online, Google has plans to extend its "Google Checkout" service to include a payment system for news sites. The company is working directly with the Newspaper Association of America in hopes of finding a solution for both the print publications and the search engine giant. You can read the post by the Nieman Lab here…….Continue Reading Google to provide micropayment platform
Tribune’s solution to duplicate content
Tribune Co. is implementing a system that would simplify searching for articles across its various media outlets. The idea is to have a single URL for a piece of content regardless of whether the reader is viewing the story on the Los Angeles Times or Chicago Tribune site, for example. The company believes searching for content would be more efficient without duplicate articles. You can read the Nieman Lab post here…….Continue Reading Tribune’s solution to duplicate content
Cheapest digital reader slated for release
A new touchscreen digital reader with built-in web browsing is due out by the end of the year from a leading consumer electronics company. The Asus product will be in direct competition with Amazon and Sony, who both have e-books in the market. Many journalism publications are currently struggling with how to sell their content via the digital reader model. You can read the article on the UK's Times Online here…….Continue Reading Cheapest digital reader slated for release
Economist may charge for all online content
One of the few print publications that saw an increase in readership and revenue this past year is now considering an online paid content business model. Currently, The Economist charges only for articles that are more than a year old and its online subscription covering that archival material costs about $90. You can read the article on's website here…….Continue Reading Economist may charge for all online content
CCLP welcomes new junior fellow, Monica Alba
Monica Alba has joined the Center on Communication Leadership & Policy as a junior fellow. Monica is an award-winning, honors graduate of the USC Annenberg School (Class of 2009). She earned her degree in broadcast journalism with minors in international relations and cinematic arts. She is the co-founder of the highly successful Social Issues Film Festival (SI DocFest), a high school film festival that requires students to produce short documentaries on social issues in the San Francisco Bay Area and awards $30,000 to students, schools and non-profits annually…….Continue Reading CCLP welcomes new junior fellow, Monica Alba
Another One for the Gipper
The New York Times mentioned Senior Fellow Richard Reeves in an article on former President Ronald Reagan. "On one side you have the stalwart Reagan haters … . On the other you have those journalists and academics – Richard Reeves, John Patrick Diggins, Sean Wilentz, for example – who have sought ways to recognize Reagan as a consequential president, and possibly even a great one, without ceding too much ideological ground to his conservatism," the story stated…….Continue Reading Another One for the Gipper
A publicly moral man
The last time I saw Ted Kennedy he was, in Tom Wolfe's phrase, "A man in full." It was Labor Day, 2007, on Cape Cod, and he was singing and laughing hugely through one of those parody songs that folks compose for friends' birthdays. He was great. He lit up the place. He was free at last, I thought. He had the right job and the right wife. He was free of the presidential ambitions forced on him by others, especially by his dead brothers. He was free of being a Kennedy. He was what he was meant to be,……Continue Reading A publicly moral man
Trial Lawyers at Work
The Wall Street Journal cited "The People v. Clarence Darrow" by CCLP Director Geoffrey Cowan as the No. 1 book about trial lawyers. While defending labor activists accused of a 1910 bombing, Darrow was implicated in jury tampering; the noted lawyer defended himself and was acquitted. The article noted that Cowan weighs the evidence in his book, and concludes that Darrow was probably guilty…….Continue Reading Trial Lawyers at Work