Communication Leadership Open Forum: Tom Rosenstiel

Join Geoffrey Cowan, USC University Professor and director of the Center on Communication Leadership & Policy for an open forum with Tom Rosenstiel, director of the Pew Research Center's Project for Excellence in Journalism. Topics include new models for news, economic literacy and entrepreneurship skills needed in the journalism profession, and the role of media in a democracy with a focus on coverage of the debate over health care reform. This forum is part of a series planned in conjunction with Dean Wilson's Economic Literacy and Entrepreneurship (ELE) initiative. Lunch will be served. RSVP requested. To RSVP, write…….Continue Reading Communication Leadership Open Forum: Tom Rosenstiel

Will YouTube be the Craigslist of TV News?

BOSTON — Watch that space: YouTube video news is here, tailored just for you, featuring news of your microlocal neighborhood, just for you. If you haven't seen it, YouTube News Near You is an automated microlocal news service, with software detecting a your location and matching it with video news stories from that neighborhood. Turn on, tune in, and drop out of the six o'clock local TV news. So far the story selection is pretty limited. Think of YouTube's new local news service as 2009's version of the "Camel News Caravan," NBC's 15-minute nightly newscast of the early 1950's, hop……Continue Reading Will YouTube be the Craigslist of TV News?

Death an emotional rallying cry in Iran

The Los Angeles Daily News quoted Senior Fellow David Westphal about the widely viewed footage of Iranian protester Neda Agha-Soltan dying from a gunshot wound. "The 'Neda' video wasn't the only amateur video that millions of people have been seeing over the last week, but it was clearly the most emotionally powerful, wrenchingly powerful, example," Westphal said…….Continue Reading Death an emotional rallying cry in Iran

Nonprofits see a revenue model: universities

The headlines from last month's meeting of investigative reporting profits focused on one thing – their formation of a network to support investigative reporting and provide a showcase for the groups' work. The new organization, for now called the Investigative News Network, could be a big deal, and the 10 members of its steering committee went right to work getting it up and running. But another big theme rumbled through the meeting outside New York City at the Rockefeller estate, and that was the nonprofits' mad dash for new revenue models. "My personal passion is sustainability," said MinnPost CEO Joel……Continue Reading Nonprofits see a revenue model: universities

She Was Never About Those Huddled Masses

The Washington Post ran a widely carried op-ed by Faculty Fellow Roberto Suro about the Statue of Liberty. Suro suggested that the Emma Lazarus poem on the statue – which includes the line "Give me your tired, your poor" – be removed. "We live in a different era of immigration, and the schmaltzy sonnet offers a dangerously distorted picture of the relationship between newcomers and their new land," Suro wrote. Suro also participated in an online forum by The Washington Post…….Continue Reading She Was Never About Those Huddled Masses

CCLP Report Details Growing Philanthropic Support for Journalism

Philanthropic foundations are taking unprecedented steps to address the crisis in journalism and "serve as a firewall against the disappearance of critical news and information," according to a new report from the Center on Communication Leadership & Policy (CCLP) at the University of Southern California's Annenberg School for Communication. The report, Philanthropic Foundations: Growing Funders of the News is authored by David Westphal, a CCLP senior fellow and former Washington editor for McClatchy Newspapers…….Continue Reading CCLP Report Details Growing Philanthropic Support for Journalism