Niche magazines may become cheaper to produce

Hewlett Packard has developed a new Web service called MagCloud, which makes it easier and cheaper to produce magazines. The printing costs 20 cents per page, and the producer is charged only if someone orders a magazine. MagCloud hopes to provide service to any niche market magazine. So far, the site is in testing and has produced nearly 300 magazines on topics from food photography to the history of aerospace. You can read about MagCloud in the New York Times article found here…….Continue Reading Niche magazines may become cheaper to produce

A timeline of citizen journalism

10,000 Words, an interactive site advising journalists on how to incorporate multimedia into their work, has posted a timeline of notable moments in citizen journalism. Among the examples are video taken from the Virginia Tech shooting in April 2007 and Rathergate (the exposure of CBS's use of falsified documents) in 2004. You can read the 10,000 Words post on their blog here…….Continue Reading A timeline of citizen journalism

Experimenting with news on Facebook

The University of Minnesota, the student newpaper The Minnesota Daily, and news aggregator NewsCloud have launched the Minnesota Daily Facebook Application. The application will combine traditional journalism and citizen reporting, and seeks to become a hub of community news. Researchers will use the application to test how social networking sites can incorporate news and possibly create a working business model. You can read the University of Minnesota press release here…….Continue Reading Experimenting with news on Facebook

Star Tribune aims premium content at subscribers

The Twin Cities' newspaper, The Star Tribune, will offer premium content to print readers before publishing it online. Editor Nancy Barnes wrote in a column that this move would reward those who purchased a hard copy of the paper. The Star Tribune will continue to publish breaking news on its website free of charge. You can read the article…….Continue Reading Star Tribune aims premium content at subscribers

Former newspaper reporters assist public broadcasting

As their newspapers shut down or lay off workers, some former newspaper reporters have joined the ranks of their local public television stations. In Seattle, where the Seattle Public Intelligencer quit printing two weeks ago, 20 journalists now advise KCTS-TV. In St. Louis, the number is 14. Though these journalists are currently working as unpaid advisors, they are helping to provide context to local stories and deepening the local coverage that these stations provide. You can read the article in Current here…….Continue Reading Former newspaper reporters assist public broadcasting

Many start-ups rely on foundations

The Bottom Line, a segment on Boston's WBUR National Public Radio station, compares the current state of journalism to the technology market, suggesting that we'll see many start-ups in next 10-20 years. Many of those start-ups are funded by foundations, such as the Knight Foundation or the Kaiser Family Foundation. Such ventures include, Placeblogger, or You can listen to or read the story from The Bottom Line here…….Continue Reading Many start-ups rely on foundations drops in viewers after paper's close

Two weeks after the Seattle Post-Intelligencer stopped printing its newspapers and switched to an online-only site, traffic on the site has dropped by 20 percent. About 1.7 million viewers looked at in January; the number now is closer to 1.3 million. A former Seattle PI reporter via attributes the decline to the dramatic reduction in staff. The Beyond Search blog argues that once the newspaper is gone, marketing the online content has to become the first priority…….Continue Reading drops in viewers after paper's close