New York Times goes ‘Local’

Who would have guessed? The New York Times launches its "Local" Web site covering five communities in Brooklyn and the New Jersey suburbs. It's The Times' first big foray into citizen journalism and exploration of the Web's "hyper-local" space. You can read the article on Wall Street Journal's blog. Postscript (07/12/10): Unfortunately, the NYT experiment has not shown the success that the paper was hoping for, and has been shut down it's New Jersey division since the blog post was first published…….Continue Reading New York Times goes ‘Local’

At WNBC, an all-local news channel

The demise of the TV analog signal has given stations more digital channels than they know what to do with. But a New York City station, WNBC, thinks it has one answer: Creation of 24-hour local news channel. Creators think they can reach an audience of 5.7 million. You can read the artciel in TV Week here…….Continue Reading At WNBC, an all-local news channel