Author urges U.S. public diplomacy to include debates about media content standards

WASHINGTON – What is good for U.S. media businesses but bad for American diplomacy? That is the question posed at today's CCLP Washington forum by Martha Bayles, author of "Through a Screen Darkly: Popular Culture, Public Diplomacy, and America's Image Abroad". Author Martha Bayles with Pubic Diplomacy Council president Don Bishop (left) and CCLP senior fellow Adam Powell (right) Since 1999, she said, U.S. media companies have more than quadrupled their revenue from overseas sales. But more and more, Bayles argued, the content is offensive to foreign audiences — and it misrepresents the United States…….Continue Reading Author urges U.S. public diplomacy to include debates about media content standards

Senior fellow Geneva Overholser moderates OSCE open journalism event in Vienna

Senior fellow Geneva Overholser moderated OSCE's May 5 event in Vienna, Open Journalism and the Open Road Ahead. The event is the first in "a series of meetings among experts, policymakers and regulators touching on the practice and terminology of Open Journalism, legal issues, accountability and regulatory challenges."……Continue Reading Senior fellow Geneva Overholser moderates OSCE open journalism event in Vienna

Senior fellow Geneva Overholser speaks at St. Andrews 117th annual commencement ceremony

Senior fellow Geneva Overholser speaks at St. Andrews 117th annual commencement ceremony. As quoted in The Fayetteville Observer, Overholser said to the 82 new graduates, "your last St. Andrews assignment is to think about what's important to you. Determine the goals that will enable you to lead your life. Write them down. Commit them to memory. And then commit to checking in with yourself regularly to see how you're doing."……Continue Reading Senior fellow Geneva Overholser speaks at St. Andrews 117th annual commencement ceremony

Fighting modern slavery: USC Viterbi features CCLP’s Technology & Human Trafficking Initiative

"Technologies under development by USC computer scientists could help in the fight against underage sex trafficking in the United States," writes Marc Ballon in a featured story for USC Viterbi about our Technology & Human Trafficking Initiative led by research director Mark Latonero. Read the complete article at USC Viterbi. (Artwork pictured left by Peter Bollinger.) Below is an excerpt from Ballon's article: "An interdisciplinary faculty team at the USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism and the Information Sciences Institute of USC's Viterbi School of Engineering is at the forefront of research to employ technology to combat youth sex……Continue Reading Fighting modern slavery: USC Viterbi features CCLP’s Technology & Human Trafficking Initiative

Al Jazeera exec stresses need for high quality, in-depth journalism with USC Annenberg faculty

Ehab Al Shihabi, interim CEO at Al Jazeera America, joined fellows of the USC Annenberg Center on Communication Leadership & Policy (CCLP) and other USC Annenberg faculty members on Monday April 28 for a salon-style discussion. The meet-and-greet set the stage for possible collaborations between Al Jazeera America and the USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism. "I just want to say what a privilege it is for us at the Annenberg School to have this chance to just have a brainstorming session," said CCLP director Geoffrey Cowan. "Thank you very much for having us here," said Al Shihabi. "I……Continue Reading Al Jazeera exec stresses need for high quality, in-depth journalism with USC Annenberg faculty

How “Next Generation Public Diplomacy” Will Build US-China Trust: New Report by USC Annenberg and Peking University

The United States and China are more closely connected than ever before, but surveys show that trust between the two countries has declined in the last three years. At a time when global collaborations are crucial for tackling issues like climate change, how can the US and China build trust despite differences in values, politics, and communication styles? The Millenials offer hope: "While majorities of Americans and Chinese see the other country in a negative light, half of those under age 30 have a favorable impression of the other country," states the report just released by the USC Annenberg School……Continue Reading How “Next Generation Public Diplomacy” Will Build US-China Trust: New Report by USC Annenberg and Peking University

GenX: Misunderstood and Underestimated – Guest Post by Mike Brooks

The 2008 financial crisis had–and continues to have–varying impacts on the generations. Baby Boomers, many approaching or reaching retirement age, simply have their eye on getting over the finish line. Millennials, just starting off financially and with little to no assets or liabilities, have seen their financial lives stall before even getting started. GenX however has the most difficult road of all…….Continue Reading GenX: Misunderstood and Underestimated – Guest Post by Mike Brooks