Road to the White House: Arab Spring and Foreign Policy

With the 2012 presidential election season tumultuously underway, the USC Annenberg School's Center on Communication Leadership and Policy (CCLP) in coordination with the USC's Bedrosian Center and the USC Unruh Institute of Politics continues their successful Road to the White House forum promoting political discourse between leading academics and the community to help inform and shape political policies. The first CCLP-hosted forum of the new semester kicked off on Wednesday January 25, 2012, to a successful reception spotlighting U.S foreign policy relations in the Middle East and North Africa and the effect of new media technologies shaping political discourse……Continue Reading Road to the White House: Arab Spring and Foreign Policy

A Call for Civility in American Politics

Just a little more than a year ago, a gunman shot Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D) at a meeting she was holding with constituents in Tucson, Ariz. Even though the shooter did not appear to be motivated by a political agenda, the intimate portrait of Giffords that emerged prompted many who engage in what now passes for political "conversation" to reassess the increasing tendency toward demonization of those whose beliefs or experiences have led them to hold positions different from our own. When we routinely deride the intelligence and character of those with whom we disagree, the people at the receiving……Continue Reading A Call for Civility in American Politics

CCLP partners with USC Annenberg’s Norman Lear Center to ‘Get it Right’

On January 6, 2012, the Historians, Journalists and the Challenges of Getting It Right debuted in Chicago at the 126th annual American Historical Association conference. A partnership of CCLP, the Lear Center, and the American Historical Association's National History Center, Getting It Right begins with the premise that both professions, historians and journalists, are in the business of finding and assessing evidence; of analyzing events; and of narrating events. Lear Center director Marty Kaplan chaired the publishing panel, which used Alan Brinkley's biography of Henry Luce as a springboard to talk about journalism and history. For more information on the……Continue Reading CCLP partners with USC Annenberg’s Norman Lear Center to ‘Get it Right’

CCLP Faculty Fellow Philip Seib on China’s New English-Language News Network

Fast Company's article on China's recent focus on foreign news broadcasting cites CCLP faculty fellow and CPD Director Philip Seib. China is set to launch the new English-language news network, TodayChina, in February. To read the full article, please click here…….Continue Reading CCLP Faculty Fellow Philip Seib on China’s New English-Language News Network

‘Downton Abbey’ hype may highlight PBS problems

PBS executives are promoting the second season of its imported British costume drama "Downton Abbey," doing their best not only to attract viewers to the program but also to present "Downton Abbey" as part of a new strategy to attract audiences. However, critics such as Brian Lowry of Variety have responded by saying that this is more public relations than anything resembling a deliberate plan, "misreading something after the fact, then allowing execs to conflate an unexpected windfall into a 'strategy.'" And across the Atlantic, the hype may have backfired. In the UK, where "Downton Abbey" runs on the commercial……Continue Reading ‘Downton Abbey’ hype may highlight PBS problems

Latonero published in International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management

CCLP Director of Research and Instruction Mark Latonero, and his co-author Irina Shklovski, recently had their article, "Emergency Management, Twitter, and Social Media Evangelism," published. Their piece focuses on how social media technologies, specifically Twitter, are used to communicate with emergency response organizations and to collect information. For more information please see the abstract here…….Continue Reading Latonero published in International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management

PBS President says no major retooling needed for public TV, but mulls adding pay-TV service

PBS President Paula Kerger said today she disagreed with Bill Moyers' call for a national meeting to reconsider and re-define U.S. public broadcasting. Moyers called for a "constitutional convention" to spur a "rebirth" of public television and radio, in a speech this month to public TV executives. "The core problem," said Moyers, "is that we still don't have an expansive national vision of what we're about, where we want to go and what we want to become. Until we are able to say clearly and comprehensively what it is we really want to do, how much it will cost, and……Continue Reading PBS President says no major retooling needed for public TV, but mulls adding pay-TV service