CCLP's Latonero Joins Disaster Preparedness Taskforce

The March earthquake, tsunami, and radiation disaster in Japan offers a stark reminder of the need to prepare for emergencies and natural disasters. While most of the public's attention is focused on transportation and energy infrastructure needs, an equally important but often neglected aspect of civil preparedness is developing the proper communication infrastructure in advance of a crisis. To address this need, the Center on Communication Leadership & Policy's Research Director Mark Latonero is helping the Center for National Policy to develop the necessary communications strategies and social media approach to prepare the public for emergencies and natural disasters. As……Continue Reading CCLP's Latonero Joins Disaster Preparedness Taskforce

Pakistan and America: The Bad Marriage

The last time I saw Abbottabad, I was in a crowd of a couple of hundred men watching a dancing bear hopping up and down and then wrestling in the dust with the owner's son. The crowd enjoyed it and stayed for the end, the collecting of coins. There was not a lot of entertainment around there; people looked and stopped at anything out of the ordinary. So, like all people, the folks there gossiped about most anything they noticed–say, a million-dollar compound with 18-foot walls and opaque windows three times the size of anything else in what we would……Continue Reading Pakistan and America: The Bad Marriage

Hollihan in Whittier Daily – Social Media & Osama

"It is a very different news environment, which makes it much more difficult to control the flow of news," said Faculty Fellow Tom Hollihan to the Whittier Daily News. "It creates opportunity to empower local citizens in ways they haven't previously been empowered. No place is completely off the information grid." Hollihan's comments came in response to the death of Osama Bin Laden, and how social media played a role in informing the public…….Continue Reading Hollihan in Whittier Daily – Social Media & Osama

Columbia Journalism School features CCLP case study

Describing it as “a powerful new case on the business of media,” the Columbia Journalism School announced that it will feature CCLP’s research work on the Long Beach Post as a new case study for use in its prestigious Knight Case Studies Initiative. The case study, The Jury is Out: The Long Beach Post and Online Local News, is authored by CCLP Executive-in-Residence Jeffrey S. Klein and Research Associate María J. Vázquez. The report is available for journalism educators and students throughout the country and will be used as a teaching resource on the future of online community news websites…….Continue Reading Columbia Journalism School features CCLP case study

The Best of Times, the Worst of Times

As far as news is concerned, these are the best of times, these are the worst of times. It hurts your head to open a newspaper like The New York Times or The Wall Street Journal or flip through your favorite websites. Television, I admit, is giving us a bit of a break because all those folks care about is the royal wedding. But it seems to me there are only two stories (or questions) that are worth as much time as we have to think about them: 1. What, post-Cold War, is the United States' role in the world?……Continue Reading The Best of Times, the Worst of Times