Smith in Newswise – Sexy Socialization

"These findings are troubling given that repeated exposure to thin and sexy characters may contribute to negative effects in some female viewers," Faculty Fellow Stacy Smith told Newswise. Smith studied society's sexualization of teenaged girls in film and in the corporate environment of Hollywood. "Such portrayals solidify patterns of appearance-based discrimination in the entertainment industry."……Continue Reading Smith in Newswise – Sexy Socialization

Stacy Smith on roles of women in film

Faculty Fellow Stacy Smith served as the lead researcher in a report studying the early sexualization of teen girls. Smith and her team analyzed the top 100 grossing films of 2008 to find correlations about the attitudes of teenagers to their older peers and the perception of women in film. USA Today featured an article on Smith's work, and can be read below. ———————————————————————- Film study: Men talk and women show skin by Nanci Hellmich When it comes to movie roles, women tend to be seen and not heard. An analysis of the 100 top-grossing movies of 2008 shows that……Continue Reading Stacy Smith on roles of women in film

CCLP Researchers Share Projects with Annenberg Students, Faculty

From technology's impact on public diplomacy to the role of biography in constructing presidential legacy, the USC Annenberg Center on Communication Leadership & Policy's (CCLP) diverse range of research projects and policy initiatives on display at the April 13th Policy Research Roundtable. Convened by CCLP Director Geoffrey Cowan and hosted by CCLP Research Director Mark Latonero (pictured left), the lunchtime event served as an opportunity for the Center to spotlight its key areas of engagement. "We believe that we have an obligation to produce research that makes a difference," Cowan explained to the standing-room only crowd, which included CCLP Fellows……Continue Reading CCLP Researchers Share Projects with Annenberg Students, Faculty

Baer in Hindustan Times – Mumbai travel

Senior Fellow Neal Baer travelled to Mumbai with representatives from the USC Annenberg Norman Lear Center, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and The World Bank, according to the Hindustan Times. During their visit, these groups are meeting with Bollywood actors and producers and creating ways to educate an American audience about India and the hardships that country currently faces…….Continue Reading Baer in Hindustan Times – Mumbai travel

Cowan opens national forum on civics education

CCLP director Geoffrey Cowan provided opening remarks to the Civic Innovators Forum for Civics Learning at the National Press Club on Wednesday, March 30. The program, which also included presentations by former Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor and former U.S. Secretary of Commerce Pete Peterson, brought together top policymakers, scholars, journalists and philanthropists to explore ways to bolster civics education in schools across the country…….Continue Reading Cowan opens national forum on civics education

Leading Journalism Association Spotlights CCLP Research on Funding the News

CCLP’s groundbreaking report, Public Policy and Funding the News, continues to garner media hits and attention of experts in journalism. On March 28th, the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication cited the CCLP study in their call for Congress to maintain federal funding of public broadcasting. As research also points out, commercial media enterprises have —- for most of this country’s history —- received federal assistance in the form of discounted postal subsidies and tax breaks, for instance. Yet, Americans trust public media more for relevant, complete news. A recent Roper Poll listed PBS as the nation’s most-­trusted institution…….Continue Reading Leading Journalism Association Spotlights CCLP Research on Funding the News