My co-author María J. Vázquez and I recently finished writing a case study on a hyperlocal community news site in Long Beach California, the Long Beach Post. As with so many of these entrepreneurial sites, the founders were doing a great job of journalism and technology. The challenge was on the business and sales side. How do you effectively generate revenues to sustain the enterprise? Here are 15 suggestions to consider if you are building a community news web business, or any web content business for that matter. 1. Webinar. Find a topic of interest to an audience and a……Continue Reading 15 Ways to Generate Revenue for a Community News Web Site
How America Doubled Its Brainpower
This is your basic "bait and switch" column. I am going to begin by talking about the fanciful story that strong and talented women, beginning with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice and National Security staffer Samantha Power, have taken over the government and pushed the president of the United States, NATO, the United Nations and the Arab League into trying to overthrow the Libyan gorilla Gadhafi. That titan of tubby masculinity, Rush Limbaugh, has said this is because the president, his generals and all male advisers are "the new castrati … sissies!" Therefore, the women of……Continue Reading How America Doubled Its Brainpower
Bennis in Fast Company – Measuring as a Leader
In an article on Fast Company, the work of leadership expert and CCLP Distinguished Fellow Warren Bennis is broken down by blogger Mark Goulston to create a cheat sheet of the best leadership practices…….Continue Reading Bennis in Fast Company – Measuring as a Leader
Smith on Annenberg Radio News – Women in media
Faculty Fellow Stacy L. Smith was interviewed on USC's own Annenberg Radio News. In conjunction with International Women's Day, Smith was interviewed about the role of women in the media, and how the lack of females behind the lens in Hollywood is having negative effects on young women growing in America today…….Continue Reading Smith on Annenberg Radio News – Women in media
Cowan in Chicago Tribune – Darrow
CCLP Director Geoffrey Cowan was cited in an article in the Chicago Tribune for his work The People v. Clarence Darrow. Darrow was honored in Chicago in early March on the anniversary of his death…….Continue Reading Cowan in Chicago Tribune – Darrow
Schell in CNN – Middle East Uprising
Amidst the riots in Libya, many fear that China will follow in the steps of many middle eastern countries and begin taking to the streets in violent protest. Not so, says Senior Fellow Orville Schell. "I think most Chinese do feel that things are going pretty well in China, economically at least to date," said Schell in CNN. "Obviously there are some dissatisfied elements, but I don't think that there's the same level of cause for a populist uprising."……Continue Reading Schell in CNN – Middle East Uprising
Notes from the Field: CCLP Researcher Shares Trafficking Update from Vietnam
Researcher Zhaleh Boyd is conducting a fact-finding mission in Vietnam in conjunction with the CCLP Technology and Trafficking in Persons initiative. Boyd, a 2010 Thomas R. Pickering Graduate Foreign Affairs Fellow, reports in from the mid-way point of her trip on her latest findings on human trafficking in Asia and the Pacific Rim. —————————————————————————————— I have just completed the first week of my 16-day research trip to Vietnam. This week was spent in the Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC), Vietnam's boomtown. L-R: Mark Preston, Candace Burnham, Jerry Edling, and Zhaleh Boyd standing at the entrance to the US Consulate in……Continue Reading Notes from the Field: CCLP Researcher Shares Trafficking Update from Vietnam
Author Morley Winograd appointed 2011 CCLP Senior Fellow
Author and communication technology expert Morley Winograd has been appointed as a 2011 senior fellow of the USC Annenberg Center on Communication Leadership & Policy (CCLP). Winograd, who is co-author with Michael D. Hais of the forthcoming book, Millennial Momentum: How a New Generation is Remaking America, will help lead discussions and research projects on how the Millennial generation is reshaping the use of communication technologies. "Millennials turned the Internet, created by older generations to empower individuals, into a powerful new tool for increasing social interactions. I look forward to working with the Center to understand in more depth the……Continue Reading Author Morley Winograd appointed 2011 CCLP Senior Fellow
The New Arab World Requires New Public Diplomacy
This article was written by CCLP Faculty Fellow Phil Seib. DOHA — My conversation with two North African friends ranged widely, from the role of satellite television in the Arab world to the prospects for electoral reform in the region. Then we came to how other nations would deal with the new dynamics of Arab politics. One of my friends said, "In the past, diplomacy has been with the leaders, but now it must be with the people." In other words, public diplomacy will now be of unprecedented importance for governments, such as that of the United States, that want……Continue Reading The New Arab World Requires New Public Diplomacy
Suro in FAIR – immigration
"If having a baby was a significant driving factor in illegal immigration," said Faculty Fellow Roberto Suro, "you would expect to see a higher percentage of women of child-bearing age in the U.S. illegally compared to men of the same age." "In fact, just the opposite is the case." Suro is an outspoken defender of immigration to the US, and was quoted in Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR)…….Continue Reading Suro in FAIR – immigration