Senior Fellow Orville Schell is cited an The Financial Times. His expertise in US/China relations is called upon in Why America sees red in corporate China. The article can be read in its entirety on the FT website here…….Continue Reading Schell mentioned in Why America sees red in corporate China
Seib mentioned in Arab Media & Society
Phil Seib, Faculty Fellow, was cited in an article on Arab Media & Society entitled Alternate Viewpoints: Counter-hegemony in the Transnational Age. Seib argues that Al Jazeera's success signals "an end to the near monopoly in global news that American and other Western media had long enjoyed"…….Continue Reading Seib mentioned in Arab Media & Society
Richard Reeves in Yahoo Op-Ed on aging
Yahoo! News published an op-ed by Senior Fellow Richard Reeves. In Aging: The Issue of the Century, Reeves discusses how the average lifespan of Americans has increased by over five years in the past decade, and what having an older population to care for means for the country…….Continue Reading Richard Reeves in Yahoo Op-Ed on aging
Glickman in the Hollywood Reporter
Dan Glickman, Senior Fellow, was interviewed by The Hollywood Reporter about his former role as the former head of Motion Picture Association of America. He speaks of his previous duties and how the role as MPAA chief has evolved since Glickman first took the office in 2004…….Continue Reading Glickman in the Hollywood Reporter
Reinventing Local News: 2010 details how technology and innovation may save local news
While revenues decline for traditional media organizations despite high demand for news and information, technology and innovation may be saving local news, according to Reinventing Local News: 2010, a report released by the University of Southern California's Center on Communication Leadership & Policy at the Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism. In Reinventing Local News: 2010, Adam Clayton Powell III updates his landmark 2006 book Reinventing Local News: Connecting Communities Through New Technologies…….Continue Reading Reinventing Local News: 2010 details how technology and innovation may save local news
CCLP partners with State Department for Democracy Video Challenge
The Center on Communication Leadership and Policy is proud to announce its partnership in the Democracy Video Challenge, an innovative contest created by the United States Department of State to engage global citizens in a dialogue about democracy. The USC Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism is part of a public-private partnership that includes the Center for International Private Enterprise, the International Republican Institute, the International Youth Foundation, the Motion Picture Association of America, NBC Universal, the National Democratic Institute, NYU's Tisch School of the Arts, the Recording Industry Association of America, Taking IT Global, YouTube, and the U.S. State……Continue Reading CCLP partners with State Department for Democracy Video Challenge
Today’s politics lacks key ingredient
These are serious times for our country — from challenges abroad, to our crippled economy, to the tragedy in the Gulf of Mexico. With events filtered through a partisan midterm election and a heat wave smothering the nation's capital, it seems the first thing to wilt is Washington's sense of humor. Jon Stewart, David Letterman, Jay Leno and the rest of the late-night crowd continue to hold their own. But the ability of elected officials to indulge in a good collective laugh — not to make light of serious situations but to ease tensions — has become a too-rare civility……Continue Reading Today’s politics lacks key ingredient
Technology and Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Research Team Travels to Mekong Sub-Region
From August 6 – 15, 2010, USC Annenberg Center on Communication Leadership & Policy Research Director Mark Latonero and Research Associate Erin Kamler will visit Thailand and Cambodia to conduct initial research for CCLP's Technology and Trafficking In Persons (TIP) initiative. This trip developed out of the enthusiasm garnered at the June 3rd meeting in Washington, D.C., in which CCLP convened members of the State Department, the NGO community, academics and leaders in the technology field to brainstorm finding innovative technological solutions to combat this global problem…….Continue Reading Technology and Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Research Team Travels to Mekong Sub-Region
Reeves mentioned in NYT Wikileaks op-ed
Senior Fellow Richard Reeves was mentioned in The New York Times in an op-ed piece by Frank Rich making the comparison of the release of the Pentagon Papers in 1971 to the recent publishing of classified documents on the website Wikileaks on the failures in the Afghan war. In Rich's piece, President Nixon by Richard Reeves is referenced, and his book, Reeves revealed that though the Pentagon Papers were labeled "top secret", over 700,000 individuals had access to them…….Continue Reading Reeves mentioned in NYT Wikileaks op-ed
Suro in WaPo on Arizona’s immigration law
Faculty Fellow Roberto Suro wrote an article for The Washington Post lambasting Arizona's immigration law, and how it is "an invitation to a shootout in which there will be no winners." Suro shares his thoughts on the law since the US District Court has stalled Arizona's SB 1070 since it is believed that many parts authored are unconstitutional. "The relentless focus on catching people who aren't supposed to be here is bad enough; a long marshals-vs.-sheriffs shootout is a dangerous distraction. No matter what kind of new immigration system you want to build, lawsuits over who handles traffic stops won't……Continue Reading Suro in WaPo on Arizona’s immigration law