A Congressman Reaches Out — And Ducks!

RESEDA, Calif. — Rep. Brad Sherman, a Democrat from the 27th District of California in the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles, is a congressman who is obviously not afraid of his constituents. Many are these days, but Sherman takes out advertisements in local newspapers urging people to come and reason with (or yell at) him at "Town Hall" meetings. Several hundred, maybe a thousand, did just that last Sunday afternoon in the auditorium of Reseda High School. He is good at this. He has done 140 of them. There are cookies and punch outside the hall. He introduces his……Continue Reading A Congressman Reaches Out — And Ducks!

Schell article – Google’s China compromise stuns observers

Orville Schell, Senior Fellow is interviewed for the Financial Times regarding China's renewal of its internet content provider license with Google. Earlier this year, Google threatened to pull its services from China if searches from Chinese citizens continued to be censored by the government. Schell believes that this renewal shows a compromise about Google's services has been reached by both parties…….Continue Reading Schell article – Google’s China compromise stuns observers