A report released by the CCLP, written by Director Geoff Cowan and Senior Fellow David Westphal was referenced in work by The First Amendment Coalition regarding non-profit news models…….Continue Reading Cowan and Westphal referenced in first amendment group
Bennis – BizZone Internet Social Media
Business Zone has published an article that examines how the work of Warren Bennis, Distinguished Fellow, has predicted the rise of social media and its influences on the journalistic world…….Continue Reading Bennis – BizZone Internet Social Media
LA Times Exec Klein Joins CCLP as Executive in Residence
Jeffrey S. Klein, former senior executive with the Los Angeles Times and Times Mirror, has joined the Center on Communication Leadership and Policy (CCLP) as the 2010-2011 Executive in Residence. As both a lawyer and journalist, he has more than 24 years of experience operating newspaper, magazine, television and Internet businesses. At CCLP, Klein will focus on the New Models for News initiative and on how legacy media companies are moving into the digital age. In addition, Klein will contribute regularly to the CCLP blog (www.communicationleadership.org), participate in programs and workshops organized by the Center, including the News Entrepreneur Boot……Continue Reading LA Times Exec Klein Joins CCLP as Executive in Residence
Where the Buck Stops
Senior Fellow Richard Reeves has published his latest article available in syndication and on Yahoo! News. This week, he examines President Obama's measures to contain the Gulf Coast oil leak…….Continue Reading Where the Buck Stops
Where Does The Buck Stop?
LOS ANGELES — President Obama, in an impossible position, decided to take a page from the Harry Truman-John F. Kennedy playbook as oil fouled the Gulf of Mexico and the second year of his presidency. "The Buck Stops Here" read the sign on Truman's desk in the Oval Office. "I am the responsible officer of this government," said Kennedy at a press conference after the disaster of the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba in 1961. In fact, or in private, Kennedy felt he was the victim of the incompetence and hubris of the Central Intelligence Agency and the Joint……Continue Reading Where Does The Buck Stop?
U.S. Needs a New Public Diplomacy Strategy for Russia
Philip Seib, Faculty Fellow published an article in The Huffington Post about America's growing need for stronger diplomatic ties in Russia…….Continue Reading U.S. Needs a New Public Diplomacy Strategy for Russia
Women in Film making a difference
Stacy Smith, Faculty Fellow was interviewed for an article in The Hollywood Reporter about the presence of female filmmakers and writers in Hollywood, and the impact they are having on the industry…….Continue Reading Women in Film making a difference
Pentagon Papers II
Senior Fellow Richard Reeves published an OpEd article for Yahoo! about the current state of Afghanistan's government and the foreseeable issues of the future…….Continue Reading Pentagon Papers II
Curtin to examine the role and practice of American diplomacy in the 21st century
Jeremy Curtin, Senior Fellow at the Center on Communication Leadership and Policy, is leading a project for the Henry L. Stimson Center and the American Academy of Diplomacy (AAD) to study the training and education needed to prepare American diplomats for 21st century statecraft. The project will examine what American diplomats do now and what they will be called upon to do in the future; what professional skills are necessary to carry out these tasks successfully; what skills should be added and outdated ones dropped; and what patterns of training, education and assignments can best prepare our diplomats to achieve……Continue Reading Curtin to examine the role and practice of American diplomacy in the 21st century
Boot Camp for Journalism Entrepreneurs
Last week, I was an instructor at the News Entrepreneur Boot Camp 2010 at USC. Sponsored by the Knight Digital Media Center, USC Greif Center for Entrepreneurial Studies, theAnnenberg Center for Communication Leadership and Public Policy(CCLP), and the Online Journalism Review, the camp brought together about 20 aspiring entrepreneurs, almost all former journalists, who are trying to create new news/information enterprises in the digital world. If you'd like to watch a video of my session, click here [from the Knight Digital Media Center], or take a look at my power point slides [below]…….Continue Reading Boot Camp for Journalism Entrepreneurs