CNN launches paid iPhone application

While most iPhone applications are free, CNN is charging $1.99 for its revamped mobile tool in an effort to boost revenue. The new application allows users to become their own reporters and facilitates citizen journalism by having an easy iReport upload feature. You can read the article on the Huffington Post site here…….

Newsweek’s argument for letting papers die

With President Obama saying he would listen to proposals for helping struggling newspapers, some think it better to let weak publications die and let the stronger business models emerge on their own. This post by Daniel Lyons also suggests papers should consider buying up successful sites like POLITICO or The Daily Beast to save themselves. You can read the post on Newsweek's website here…….

Perry Directs Supporters Through Twitter, Facebook

The Austin American-Statesman quoted Faculty Fellow Thomas Hollihan about social media in political campaigns. Hollihan said that campaigns are embracing social media because it costs virtually nothing "to penetrate deeper into communities of like-minded people than [they] could have before."……