Seib in Fast Company – Al Jazeera

In an article by FastCompany, Faculty Fellow Phil Seib has been cited on the inquiry to made by cable companies like Time Warner and Comcast to bring Al Jazeera to an American audience. Seib argues that the ownership of Al Jazeera by Sheik Hamad bin Thamer al-Thani and its location in Qatar has allowed the network to functionas a source of diplomatic leverage for the Qatari government…….Continue Reading Seib in Fast Company – Al Jazeera

Glickman in PR Newswire – Aspen

The Aspen Institute has announced the appointment of Senior Fellow Dan Glickman to the position of executive director of its Congressional Program, according to PR Newswire. "The Institute could not have found a person better suited to assume leadership of this remarkable program than Dan Glickman," said Aspen Institute President and CEO Walter Isaacson…….Continue Reading Glickman in PR Newswire – Aspen

Bennis in PR Web – Linkage

Distinguished Fellow Warren Bennis will serve as faculty member to Linkage's Organizational Development Summit, according to PR Web. This seminar was created by The HR Generalist School and was designed to equip Human Resource Generalists tasked with additional responsibilities–including strategic organizational development initiatives–for success…….Continue Reading Bennis in PR Web – Linkage

Education and training of foreign service must be enhanced to protect US interests

With support from the Center on Communication Leadership & Policy, senior fellow Jeremy Curtin was the lead drafter of a major new study Forging a 21st Century Diplomatic Service for the United States Through Professional Education and Training , sponsored by the American Academy of Diplomacy and the Stimson Center in Washington, DC. The report focuses on the new and expanding demands on American diplomacy in the 21st century and the training and resources required to meet them successfully. The report argues that the rising importance of "civilian power" in the U.S. national security equation, as Secretary of State Hillary……Continue Reading Education and training of foreign service must be enhanced to protect US interests

Senior Fellow Kit Rachlis named editor of American Prospect

Congratulations to senior fellow Kit Rachlis on his selection as editor of The American Prospect. ———————————————————————————– Press Release The American Prospect Announces New Editor Washington, DC-Miles S. Rapoport, President of The American Prospect magazine (, today announced that Kit Rachlis will become the magazine's new Editor. Rachlis' career in journalism spans almost 30 years, during which time he has been an editor at The Village Voice, the LA Weekly, the Los Angeles Times and most recently at Los Angeles magazine. "We are thrilled to welcome Kit Rachlis to The Prospect," said Rapoport, who is also President of Demos (, The……Continue Reading Senior Fellow Kit Rachlis named editor of American Prospect

Anawalt in Broadway World – Arts Journalism

Faculty Fellow Sasha Anawalt was interviewed by the website about the seventh annual NEA Arts Journalism Institute in Theater and Musical Theater. "This fellowship will take the pulse of what's going on in theater right now, because we will not only avail ourselves of the stunning confluence of artists, resources, ideas and performances, but we will report on them," said Anawalt…….Continue Reading Anawalt in Broadway World – Arts Journalism